PLTW Biomedical Science (9-12) Pathway
Empower Tomorrow's Biomedical Science Professionals Today
Whether discovering new cancer treatments or teaching healthy lifestyle choices to their communities, today’s biomedical science professionals are tackling big challenges to make the world a better place. PLTW Biomedical Science students are taking on these same real-world challenges – and they’re doing it before they even graduate from high school. Working with the same tools used by professionals in hospitals and labs, students engage in compelling, hands-on activities and work together to find solutions to problems. Students take from the courses in-demand knowledge and skills they will use in high school and for the rest of their lives, on any career path they take.
Principles of Biomedical Science
From design and data analysis to outbreaks, clinical empathy, health promotion, and more, students explore the vast range of careers in biomedical sciences. They develop not just technical skills, but also in-demand, transportable skills that they need to thrive in life and career.
Human Body Systems
Through projects such as determining the identity of a skeleton using both forensic anthropology and DNA analysis, students examine the interactions of human body systems and apply what they know to solve real-world medical cases.
Medical Interventions
Students delve into activities like designing a prosthetic arm as they follow the life of a fictitious family and investigate how to prevent, diagnose, and treat disease.
Biomedical Innovation
Students build on the knowledge and skills gained from previous courses to design their own innovative solutions for the most pressing health challenges of the 21st century.
The Smart Scholar - Early College High School Program was designed to increase high school graduation and postsecondary degree completion rates among historically underrepresented and/or economically disadvantaged students. Beginning July 2020, the Mount Vernon City School District began a cohort of 125 incoming 9th grade students. Those students who successfully completed the recruitment and admission process will begin receiving academic and socio-emotional supports that will address the students’ needs and begin to prepare them for their inevitable college experience via a summer bridge program.
Smart Scholar Program Partner – Concordia College (MVSA)
Smart Scholar Program Partner – Mercy College (MVHS)
Smart Scholar Program Partner – Mercy College (DWSA)